Website migration in progress

Website migration in progress
Photo by NordWood Themes / Unsplash

I've switched my website and newsletter to a new service called Ghost. Although really, it's not actually new to me, I briefly hosted with Ghost when they first launched before it even had a newsletter component.

Ghost should make it a LOT easier to quickly create newsletters and reuse posts in interesting ways, as well as reducing the fiddly stuff I need to do to create a new post.

However, I'm manually migrating my posts, pages and content to the new platform, which is going to take a while. I took a look at the JSON documentation for transferring everything in an automated fashion and noped out.

So, please bear with me for the next couple of weeks - if you hit any dead links, they should be up and working again pretty soon. And if you're subscribed to the RSS feed for the site, you may need to remove it and re-add it to get new posts. Apologies for the repeat posts that will come through on the feed as I repopulate.

I'm really looking forward to writing more using my shiny new CMS and putting out more newsletters, so stay tuned!