short stories 'Vegvísir' now has an audio version! Now you can enjoy spooky Martian weirdness... in your ears!
publishing I'm now an agented author! This week I became an agented author, signing with Harry Illingworth at DHH Literary.
short stories 'Vegvísir' in Clarkesworld on December 1st I am absolutely positively delighted to announce that I have successfully sold a short story to a pro genre magazine!
newsletter What I'm up to - November 2021 Here's everything new with me as we tumble towards midwinter.
How I Write series How I write - measuring effort This is the first in an occasional series of posts about writing process stuff that has worked for me. This time I’m talking about METRICS.
newsletter What I'm up to - January 2021 Here's everything new with me as we stumble into another year.
tech Bullet Journalling with Due app Experimenting with Bullet Journalling combined with digital reminders
tech Switching blogging systems is my thing At some point, the only posts on this blog are going to be semi-annual announcements that I've just laboriously ported my archive to another blogging system.
personal Going all 90s online I'm slowly reducing my online profile, and general informational inputs. Don't worry, it's deliberate.
science fiction Cool Finnish SF short - Tuntematon redux I just came across a neat little Finnish SF short film, set in an alternate dieselpunk continuation of the Winter War.
personal A few updates It's been quite a while since I updated here. But as usual I got my yearly auto-domain renewal email and it reminded me that I have a website. So here's what's up with me.
blogging Switch confirmed And here we are - I've made the switch over to Jekyll as the way that I'll be updating my personal site. It's a total dream to work with.
independence A final case We’re down to the wire now. By the time I publish this, there will be less than 30 hours until the referendum.
independence My first ever political campaign I work with, and spend a great deal of time on, the internet. As such, I’m a classic ‘slacktivist'.
independence 40 Days to Yes Today marks forty days and nights until the independence referendum in Scotland.
future Planning for ten thousand years How do you plan to communicate with people 10,000 years from now?