How I Write series Daily writing routine - February 2023 The lowdown on how I'm getting the words down.
short stories 'Carapace' is a Clarkesworld Reader Poll finalist for 2022! I'm delighted to have been longlisted in the Clarkesworld Reader Poll!
How I Write series How I Write - 2022 By The Numbers I'm finished with writing for this year, so I thought it was time to take a look at how the year shook out for me based on the numbers I track in my writing logs.
interview Author Interview at Track of Words I've got a brand new author interview up at Track of Words, as part of their December Advent SFF Advent Calendar.
How I Write series How I Write - Editing as I go This year, I started developing a process for editing my work (particularly novels) as I worked on the draft, rather than after I finish. It’s evolving, but here’s where I’m at with it now.
How I Write series How I write - Editing Part 2 - Developing a process Working out what to do with my editing
How I Write series How I write - Editing Part 1 - Learning How (Not) To Edit When you learn by doing everything wrong first.