Daynote - Wed 16 Oct

On the road again.

Daynote - Wed 16 Oct
Photo by Anthony DELANOIX / Unsplash

A bit damp and grey and cold this morning in Scotland. But I'm off to London tonight on the sleeper, so maybe it'll be damp and grey and slightly warmer. Ah, October.

ON DECK: A very slow couple of scenes-worth of line edits this morning, for an aggregate gain of 25 words. Plus a bunch more fighting with Scrivener's compile settings. When I get it the way I want it, I always back away from it like someone who's just successfully completed a giant house of cards, but somehow it never seems to work consistently from project to project. My MASSIVE hope for any future version of Scrivener is that they completely revisit and redesign Compile from scratch, because it's awful, and the manual section covering it somehow manages to be even more confusing. And I design software for a living.

Also scheduled another podcast recording in a couple of weeks time. I'm really enjoying them and I really need to update my Media page with a better list of where I've appeared.

LISTENING: I thought this interview with Eleanor Moran, who is a TV producer and novelist, was absolutely fascinating.

WATCHING: Valerie and I fancied something a bit different last night, so we watched INSIDE OUT 2, which is now on Disney+. I'm slightly in awe of how well Pixar's writers use metaphors and very complex, multi-layered jokes to explain human emotion. Fantastic film.

READING: Still working on THE EMOTIONAL CRAFT OF FICTION and I've already had cause to use some of the lessons I've learned (in this morning's editing) from it. A great book that I'll take with me to London and perhaps finish when I'm on various trains.

UP NEXT: Work trip and a day in London (largely spent in the office) though I may see if I can pop into a bookshop or two and sign some copies. And while I'm down there I will hopefully finish this final line edit.