Daynote - Tue 8 Oct

Forging ahead.

Daynote - Tue 8 Oct
A fairly typical morning sky today

It's a grey, misty morning here, cool but not cold. The woods were damp and muddy, but everything smelled amazing. Lots of mushrooms. And I met a friendly dog on my way home.

Last night I also gave in and got a Threads account. I figure I'm cross-posting anyway, might as well stake a claim over there as well. Plus I spotted this new iOS app, Croissant, that might let me post to Bluesky and Threads simultaneously. It also does Mastodon. It's a posting app, rather than a viewing app, but if you're like me and hedging your social media bets, it might handy.

ON DECK: Roared through an entirely new scene this morning that came in at 2,253 words, then I chopped that scene up into a couple of shorter scenes and interspersed it with another POV. Anyone who's read the first chapter of A RELUCTANT SPY may have an inkling of what I'm doing there. I'll likely lose 200-300 words of that in editing, but it felt great to get into a proper flow this morning.

LISTENING: Back to my old faithful Living In The Library playlist.

WATCHING: Finished off Season Two of CELEBRITY RACE AROUND THE WORLD. One of the best travel type shows the BBC does. And I love how little manufactured drama it has. It's like Bake Off, but for culture shock. Even the celebrity version is good.

READING: Read a bit more of OVER THE RIVER on my lunchbreak. It just got extremely creepy.

UP NEXT: I've written the bulk of the new/replacement scenes after junking 6,000 words yesterday. So now I'll move onto the harder, fiddlier work of re-tooling some of the existing scenes so that they work with the new opening chapters, adding a bunch of new character dynamics and then cleaning everything up before I send it off. Feeling good about it.