Daynote - Tue 15 Oct

Finishing things feels good.

Daynote - Tue 15 Oct
The sunset on my evening walk, yesterday

I had a really nice walk after work yesterday. It was sunny all day, but began to cloud over a little as the sun dropped in the sky, resulting in a beautiful sunset just as I was out for my evening wander.

I try to get out of the house after finishing up my day job, because otherwise it's quite easy to segue straight from my work computer to my personal computer and lose a couple of hours just noodling around. The walk is a nice break and reset point. It also helps when I miss a day's walk, like this morning.

ON DECK: A small aggregate gain of 78 words this morning as I finished my edit on the PROJECT SCARLET sample and sent it back to my crit partners. I will probably still do some line edits as I travel tomorrow and Thursday, then consolidate any crit partner feedback. But I'm nearly there with this piece of work, which feels great. I made more progress than usual today because it was kind of grey and rainy, so I decided to push through and finish rather than go out for a walk. At least a third of that time was spent fighting with Scrivener's Compile settings, which are my least favourite part of my favourite app.

It's also the first day of Frankfurt Book Fair tomorrow, so I'm crossing fingers for my book and the books of many of my friends, which are going to be in front of editors and scouts from all over the world. Big things can happen at book fairs.

LISTENING: A bit of ambient with the latest episode of the Hypnagogue Podcast this morning.

WATCHING: More SLOW HORSES yesterday. It's annoying that Jack Lowden has already done a spy drama as River Cartwright, because there's a part of me thinks he'd be perfect as Jamie from A RELUCTANT SPY. And he'd get to use his actual accent to boot. One can dream I suppose.

READING: I'm now working on THE EMOTIONAL CRAFT OF FICTION again. Still just getting started with it though.

UP NEXT: Line edits tomorrow and Thursday, then I might work on editing Ridealong on Friday while I wait for crit partner feedback. And next week, once everyone is back from Frankfurt, I'll send my sample off! Exciting times.