Daynote - Thu 31 Oct
The end of another month.

Missed my walk this morning and started work early, so it's been a not-terribly productive Thursday so far. And we were too tired for pumpkin carving last night, so that's today's lunchtime job.
It's Halloween, which means it's also the last day of October, so at 12 today my newsletter will be coming out. It's been a busy month, so there's a lot to cover. You can sign up right here.
ON DECK: Cutting words this morning in a brief session, chopped 180 total across three or four scenes. These are specific cuts to fix a pacing issue in these scenes, but I'm also aiming to lose 20,000 words or so across the whole draft. I'll get into those chunkier cuts soon.
LISTENING: Really enjoyed this interview with Elliot Higgins of Bellingcat, the open source intelligence and investigative organisation, over at Spycast.
WATCHING: We resumed RINGS OF POWER last night and got caught up to the penultimate episode. Finally seeing that absurd budget on the screen a little bit, which is good. But it's still bonkers to me that this show costs more than the movies.
READING: Continuing with DEATH IN THE ARCTIC. Pretty sure the murderous other shoe is about to drop.
UP NEXT: Lots and lots and lots of cuts to PROJECT SHARD, plus an exciting call tomorrow. As for next week? No idea.