Daynote - Mon 30th Sep 2024

Me on the Write and Wrong podcast
Me on the Write and Wrong podcast

I woke up to my own face in my podcast app this morning, which was exciting - I'm on this week's episode of the excellent Write and Wrong podcast, havering about my books, my influences and the slightly twisty route to getting A RELUCTANT SPY published. I've been listening to this podcast for ages, so it was a genuine delight to get on it and to be asked the same questions I've heard so many other writers answer.

ON DECK: I did zero writing this morning - I got up late, then I ended up finagling some complicated stuff with my website and my newsletter, which comes out later today. Some days, this just happens. I may do some writing this evening, but I'm recording another podcast after my day job, so we'll see how much energy I have after that.

LISTENING: I'm finally caught up with my podcast backlog from launch week, so I was able to listen to my own voice on the above-linked podcast. I hardly winced at all!

WATCHING: Because my wife is away, I've been indulging my fascination with long-distance train travel videos (I love travelling on sleeper trains) and I really enjoyed this one about the new European Sleeper services across four countries. Last year we went across Europe by sleeper to Budapest and had a whale of a time, and these new routes look very cool.

READING: I spent most of yesterday evening writing my newsletter and having dinner with my parents, so I didn't read a thing.

UP NEXT: Podcast recording tonight, then an EARLY night and back to the writing routine tomorrow. I'm also going to be spending the next couple of weeks slowly migrating my post backlog to my new website before it goes live, aiming for a dozen or so posts per day. That won't be 'fun' per se, but I used to do a lot of content management jobs back in the day and I find something about it very satisfying. But first, time for a cup of tea.