Daynote - Mon 21 Oct

Spooky season is well underway.

Daynote - Mon 21 Oct
Photo by Beth Teutschmann / Unsplash

Back to it this morning and I'm at home ALL WEEK which I'm quite looking forward to. I love a bit of travel (for day job and writing stuff) but I also like a quiet week at home. Lots of Halloween decorations going up around us and GMT (as well as my birthday) approaches. Can't wait for that extra hour in bed.

ON DECK: Working on critique partner edits this morning. I cut a lot of words, but I also added a fair bit, for an aggregate gain of 294 words. I also screwed up some sync with Aeon Timeline and had to restore my Scrivener project from backup, which was slightly nervewracking.

I really wish Aeon Timeline had a one-way sync from Scrivener, but it has a two-way sync that can be destructive if you're not sure what you're doing, as I've learned to my cost in the past. It's invaluable software, but the sync isn't great.

Thanks to my regular critique partner exports, I nearly always have a recent copy of every scene somewhere other than Scrivener, but I'm always fiddling with lines and it's vexing to think I might lose some of those small edits due to a mistake like this. Thankfully, I've got Scrivener set up to back up every time I open or close the project.

LISTENING: Someone shared this very chill cyberpunk ambient balcony scene in one of my writing servers last week and it's firmly in the rotation.

WATCHING: We finished SLOW HORSES. Superb and a really interesting reworking of the book's ending and key scenes.

READING: I'm still reading THE EMOTIONAL CRAFT OF FICTION and still finding it pretty mind-blowing stuff. Great book.

UP NEXT: I've done a runthrough with my critique partner edits, so tomorrow (and maybe Wednesday) I will clean up and tighten everything, make sure all the timelines and dates work, then hold my breath and submit it. Then, onto the next thing.