Daynote - Mon 20 Jan
Grey skies and good words.

A bit grey and dreich this morning, but unlike Friday I got out for a nice walk. Lots of deer in the woods this morning, including a very young buck that froze when he saw me, absolutely convinced that he was invisible.
ON DECK: A really solid writing session today, getting 1,500 words and finishing off Part 2 of the book. I've run out of micro-outlined chapters, so I'll need to spend a wee bit of time tomorrow to get the next four or five chapters outlined in enough detail that I can proceed. But the first set piece action scene is done and dusted (in first draft), which is a great feeling.
TOOLS AND PROCESS: I got a notification this morning that my Supernote Manta is arriving, two days ahead of schedule, which I'm very excited about. It's coming at the perfect time, as I go full steam ahead on PROJECT SCARLET and start thinking about PROJECT DRIFT.
When I'm brewing an idea for a book I tend to keep a lot of it floating around in my head, in a sort of inchoate mass of ideas and characters and incidents and plot mechanics. So I'm hoping the Supernote will be ideal for both getting all that stuff out of my head and thinking about it in a more structured way, AND doing the first pass edit on PROJECT SCARLET, using the Digest feature to make notes on an ePub draft.
I'll very likely be blogging extensively about this, so stay tuned if you're curious about this kind of e-ink device.
LISTENING: I always enjoy the Read and Buried podcast (and I'm not just saying that because I've been a guest on it) but I thought this interview with Jennie Godfrey was particularly good.
WATCHING: Enjoyed the finale of SILO on Friday. It does feel like it has somewhat spun its wheels this season, doing the classic middle-season thing of asking more new questions than providing answers to old ones. But I'm still enjoying it a great deal.
READING: Still on MK Hardy's boat book, still really loving it. I'm expecting the second half to be pretty interesting, because the first half has been an exquisite buildup.
LINK: I really enjoyed this interview with m'friend and colleague Lorraine Wilson over at Runalong The Shelves.
UP NEXT: You already know the answer - more PROJECT SCARLET. I'm aiming to crack 40k this week, which I should do handily, with 45k as a decent stretch goal. But it's continuing to go well. And I've also decided to finish the first draft before I start working through it with my crit group (unlike A RELUCTANT SPY, which went through crit as I wrote it). That will let me keep my forward momentum and get it done, then I can do an edit pass myself with the Supernote, then run it through my group chapter by chapter before sending it to my editor.