Daynote - Fri 18 Oct

And home again.

The side of the Caledonian Sleeper train, featuring logo and windows.
My favourite way of getting to and from London

And I'm back north of the border, after a very comfy sleeper ride. A fun day in London yesterday, plus I found a copy of my book in the giant Waterstones on Piccadilly and signed it, which has been a minor 'writer bingo card' ambition of mine since I lived in London fourteen years ago. So that was cool.

ON DECK: A bit of editing on the train this morning, then a bit more at Waverley while waiting for my connecting train. And with that, the sample line edit run is complete, with an aggregate gain of 6 words. I have some more work to do on it with critique partner feedback, but it's mostly small tweaks for tension and readability. So this should be winging its way to my editor early next week.

I also sent over a piece to Grab This Book - look out for my guest 'Decades' post soon!

LISTENING: Enjoyed this week's episode of Page One with Kate Mosse, author of 'Labyrinth' among many other gorgeously written historical novels.

WATCHING: We're still working on the current season of SLOW HORSES. I reckon we'll finish it this evening.

READING: Once again I carried a book all the way to London (THE EMOTIONAL CRAFT OF FICTION still) and instead stared at my phone the whole time. The struggle is real.

UP NEXT: Crit partner edits over the weekend, sample submitted on Monday hopefully, then I'll be into something new. Well, revisiting something, actually - edits on Ridealong and then back into PROJECT SHARD. I'd very much like to be working on a new draft (perhaps SCARLET, who can say?) before the end of the year, but that's somewhat out of my hands. But it would be lovely to hit the turn of the year and be writing a full novel draft again.