Daynote - Fri 27th Sep 2024

Daynote - Fri 27th Sep 2024
The crowd at the Goldsboro Books 25th Anniversary party

I had a lovely day down south yesterday. I was in Bristol for my day job (where my very lovely team celebrated my book launch, I gave a talk on my parallel career as a UX designer and I had a very nice pasty for lunch) and then caught the train to London for my sleeper train back to Edinburgh.

One of the nice things about the sleeper is that it doesn't leave London until quite late, which means I can often squeeze in evening events in London. I was really chuffed to discover this trip coincided with the Goldsboro Books 25th Anniversary party at St Mary's, and I arrived just in time for David Headley's speech about the amazing growth of the company. I also got to meet David and thank him in person for choosing A RELUCTANT SPY for the Goldsboro Crime Collective. I also met several other authors, editors and agents for the first time, including Tim Glister (who very kindly blurbed my novel). It was a great night and an honour to be invited.

ON DECK: A very robust 2,357 words this morning, thanks to my delayed sleeper train. But with a cup of tea and a wee desk to write at, I was very happy. That brings my 'train writing' total to a shade over 4,000 words on this trip, which I'm very happy with. Although I like working on my big ergonomic screen at home, I do get a surprising amount of work done on trains and in transit generally. Something about not having anything else to do and frustratingly inconsistent wifi just works for my brain.

LISTENING: Latest episode of the ever-excellent Hypnagogue Podcast accompanied a gentle ride through the Scottish Borders this morning, in glorious sunshine. It was very nice.

WATCHING: I watched a tiny bit of the DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS movie last night on my way from Bristol to London. It's pretty good! Cracking dialogue and lovely production values.

READING: Haven't read a word on this trip, despite bringing two books with me. When will I learn, honestly.

UP NEXT: I'm getting pretty close to the end of this PROJECT SCARLET sample. I reckon one or two more days and I'll have it nailed. Then I'm going to take a couple of days to dive into an edit of my short Ridealong with critique partner feedback before I start my (hopefully final?) edit of PROJECT SHARD with my agent's notes. That ought to keep me occupied for the month of October.

But first, the weekend! Have a good one everybody!