Daynote - Tue 27th Aug 2024

Daynote - Tue 27th Aug 2024
A blurb from James Swallow

Hell of a day yesterday. Lots and lots of people got in touch to say how excited they were about the Goldsboro Crime Collective special edition, which was really lovely. And I got lots of writing done.

ON DECK: I'm glad I started writing again yesterday, because it meant I hit today's writing session with a good amount of momentum, getting 2,486 words in about two and a half hours. I'm in the last 25% or so of my story Ridealong, so I'm pretty sure I'll finish the first draft tomorrow.

LISTENING: Back to my regular listening with the Living in the Library playlist. It's an excellent one.

WATCHING: Another episode of GRISELDA last night and further escalation. SofĂ­a Vergara is absolutely fantastic in the eponymous lead role.

READING: Bit more of NINTH LIFE last night. I also spent a chunk of yesterday finishing the big reorganisation of my home office, which should make it a bit easier to browse my bookshelves. So I'm going to be doing some dipping into the archives to find books I really wanted to read when I bought them, but which didn't make it into the bedside stack. I've also set up my reading chair in a much better spot, with better light and more space. Can't wait to get some hardcore reading time.

UP NEXT: I'll finish Ridealong hopefully tomorrow and submit something to my critique group for the first time in months, which will be fun. I've missed discussing my work with my crit partners. Then straight into the SCARLET sample which I suspect will occupy me right up to my book launch which is, don't forget, in 16 days. AHHH.