Daynote - Tue 6th Aug 2024

Worldcon Week continues and I'm totally procrastinating on packing.

Daynote - Tue 6th Aug 2024
A blurb from I.S. Berry

I over-packed for Harrogate, but that was only three days and mostly I packed the wrong sort of clothes (because I wasn't expecting it to be 28°C and humid in Yorkshire). Less of a risk of that in Glasgow as 90% of the time I'll be inside the SEC, but also it's five days, not three. Sigh, I guess I'll get down to it this evening.

Got some Terrific News over the weekend that I can't share yet, but I am very, very excited. For those counting, that's now THREE separate pieces of Very Exciting News I'm keeping to myself. The only thing worst than the waiting in publishing is not being able to talk about things. But also having exciting secrets is kind of fun.

ON DECK: Continued with the outline on PROJECT SCARLET this morning. It's going well and I'm in the final furlong I think. I don't think I'll quite finish it before WorldCon, but I'll have my laptop with me so I may chip away at the last few bits on various trains and when I need a quiet minute to myself, which I expect to be fairly frequently.

LISTENING: Latest Hynpagogue podcast this morning.

WATCHING: We're getting caught up with THE BOYS at the moment, after finishing THE GENTLEMEN. The former is very OTT this season but a lot of fun.

READING: More excellent SPOOK STREET last night. I'm a quarter of the way through it already and it's kicked into high gear. I can't disentangle the characters from the TV show actors, which I always think is a slight shame, but the regularity of the Apple TV seasons coming out is definitely helping me pile through the books.

UP NEXT: More outlining, packing, booking train tickets, the 6,000 people in a convention centre for five days arrrrgh help.