Daynote - Mon 5th Aug 2024

It's WorldCon week! Ahhh.

Daynote - Mon 5th Aug 2024
A recent reader review

This Thursday, I'll be heading to Glasgow for five days of SFF convention shenanigans. I'm on two items, a workshop about critique groups and a book launch hype party with my fellow Edinburgh SFF members. Otherwise I will be spending all five days meeting friends, saying hi to a lot of writers I only know from social media, barconning and trying to work out what I actually want to go and see. There are a staggering number of events - 985 last time I looked, so for every hour of the programme there's nearly always 2 or 3 (sometimes way more) panels, workshops and talks I want to see. I'm excited but also kind of nervous. It's going to be A Lot.

ON DECK: I've finished the re-tooling part of the new Legends outline for PROJECT SCARLET, where I was mainly changing names and tweaking events a little, and I've entered the new bit, reworking the entire ending. 862 words this morning on that, which felt good. I'm really excited about the new ending, I think it's going to really elevate the plot. Hopefully I'll be able to finish this outline before I head off to WorldCon.

LISTENING: Back on the Bicep train this morning. I needed something with a bit of energy.

WATCHING: We watched THE MINISTRY OF UNGENTLEMANLY WARFARE last night and it was exactly what we needed. Very recognisably a Guy Ritchie Productâ„¢ but also a pretty decent war film in its own right. Lots of fun.

READING: Still working on SPOOK STREET, but I'm flying through it.

UP NEXT: More outlining, possibly a book launch with Ian Green on Wednesday night if I can get my packing shit together in time. Oh, and I need to pack for five days in a convention centre.