Daynote - Thu 1st Aug 2024

Hello August! Another nice day here, although a bit cloudier and muggier.

Daynote - Thu 1st Aug 2024
A recent review from Kate P on NetGalley

But still a good day for some writing and a nice walk. And after a few weeks of disruption and travel, I've managed to make it out four days in a row. Although I'm fighting a cold, and hoping it doesn't prevent me making it to WorldCon next week.

ON DECK: 618 words in the PROJECT SCARLET outline rework. I'm reworking the outline and writing an entirely new sample. I used to do this by carefully editing the existing outline, but these days I find it easier to put the old one on one side of the screen as a reference and just rewrite it from scratch. So I made a good start on that this morning. I'm hoping (should this cold not develop too much further) to get this done before WorldCon and then write the sample after WorldCon. Fingers crossed this tickle in my throat goes no further.

LISTENING: When I'm doing heavy-duty outline thinking, I like to switch back to Bicep Essentials. Also enjoying the current Rest Is History series on the French Revolution.

WATCHING: More HOUSE OF THE DRAGON last night. It's developing nicely towards (I suspect) a pretty big finale. Plus I guessed correctly who would kiss who and who would get dragon-flame fricasseed.

READING: Too knackered to read last night, conked out immediately.

UP NEXT: More outlining, for at least a week.