Daynote - Mon 29th July 2024

Daynote - Mon 29th July 2024
A recent review from NetGalley

And back to writing this morning! My wife was away visiting family in the US for the last couple of weeks and I picked her up from the airport yesterday. It is so nice to have her back. I got into a bad habit, without anyone else in the house, of staying up way too late then sleeping in and not having much time to write in the morning, but this morning (after we went to bed early to help her get over her jetlag) I was up bright and early for an excellent session.

ON DECK: 1,249 words this morning on Ridealong. It's at about 4.5k already, so I think this is going to end up a longer novelette. I don't try and squish a story into a particular word length when I draft, I just write until it's finished. But I may chuck out bits of the outline as I go if they turn out to be unnecessary. And my edits will usually turn a 10k story into a 9k one, or thereabouts. We'll see. I'm pretty hopeful I'll finish this by the end of the week.

I also wrote about 2,800 words yesterday on a monster update of a newsletter for July, which has been both a quiet month personally and writing-wise and a very, very busy and exciting month publishing-wise. I'll post that on Wednesday and you can subscribe here.

LISTENING: Finished off the latest episode of Hypnagogue.

WATCHING: The weather was lovely last night so we mostly sat in the garden and watched the skylarks.

READING: I finished THERE IS NO ANTI-MEMETICS DIVISION last night. Whew. What a book. More thoughts in my newsletter on Wednesday, but suffice to say I recommend it.

UP NEXT: Ridealong for the rest of this week, most likely, then back on the Outline Train to work on the next Legends book.