How I Write series How I Write - 2022 By The Numbers I'm finished with writing for this year, so I thought it was time to take a look at how the year shook out for me based on the numbers I track in my writing logs.
interview Author Interview at Track of Words I've got a brand new author interview up at Track of Words, as part of their December Advent SFF Advent Calendar.
How I Write series How I Write - Editing as I go This year, I started developing a process for editing my work (particularly novels) as I worked on the draft, rather than after I finish. It’s evolving, but here’s where I’m at with it now.
How I Write series How I write - Editing Part 2 - Developing a process Working out what to do with my editing
How I Write series How I write - Editing Part 1 - Learning How (Not) To Edit When you learn by doing everything wrong first.
short stories 'Vegvísir' now has an audio version! Now you can enjoy spooky Martian weirdness... in your ears!
publishing I'm now an agented author! This week I became an agented author, signing with Harry Illingworth at DHH Literary.
short stories 'Vegvísir' in Clarkesworld on December 1st I am absolutely positively delighted to announce that I have successfully sold a short story to a pro genre magazine!