podcast I'm on the Page One Podcast Come and watch me chatting up a storm on one of my favourite podcasts.
A Reluctant Spy One month after Today marks exactly one month since A RELUCTANT SPY, my debut novel, was released.
daynote Daynote - Fri 4 Oct I'm not entirely sure what I was talking about when this picture was taken. Pretty sure I wasn't talking about the size of a fish I once caught but it was a fairly rambling monologue at the start, so who knows. ON DECK: This morning was
daynote Daynote - Thu 3 Oct No daynote yesterday as I was doing a school visit! My first ever and it was a lot of fun. I went to Earlston High School down in the Borders and met the Advanced Higher English class. I talked a bit about my career so far and how I got
daynote Daynote - Tue 01 Oct Well, isn't this a fancy new website? As noted in a brief post yesterday, I'm in the process of migrating a bunch of stuff to a new platform called Ghost, so there's going to be broken links and such all over the place for