Author Interview at Track of Words

I've got a brand new author interview up at Track of Words, as part of their December Advent SFF Advent Calendar.

Author Interview at Track of Words

In November, Michael from the popular SFF review website Track of Words contacted me and asked if I'd like to be involved in a December Advent Calender of posts he was putting together, including books of the year, author spotlights, guest blog posts and more.

I opted to do an in-depth author spotlight interview, at least partially because I've enjoyed reading previous examples so much, like this fantastic two-part interview Michael did with Matthew Farrer in August. Michael sent me some draft questions and we had a back and forth over email to finalise questions and answers. I really enjoyed the process.

I've been really enjoying the series as it's come out, including 12 books of SFF Christmas from Nick Binge, this post about a decade in publishing from Amanda Bridgeman, Ren Hutchings on the attraction of ragtag crews, Shauna Lawless writing about the rise of historical fantasy, Michael himself with his best SFF of 2022 and today's entry, on media for a pandemic year with Aliette De Bodard.

That's just a sampling of this great series and it's a real privilege to share the roster with all of these incredible writers.

Here's the link to my in-depth author spotlight interview again.

I hope you enjoy reading it and if you have any thoughts, give me a shout on Mastodon or Twitter.