A Reluctant Spy - The Paperback
The paperback edition of 'A Reluctant Spy', coming on the 5th of June.

It is 99 days until the paperback edition of A RELUCTANT SPY comes out in the UK, so it's a very good day to show you the new cover that Headline have commissioned for this edition! Here it is full size:

It's a departure from the hardback cover, though it does also feature two shadowy figures, and there's some other subtle callbacks like the stone paving pattern. I also love the super punchy lime green we've chosen - that's going to stick out on the shelf. Thank you to cover designer Phil Beresford for this amazing piece of work.
I'm so delighted that Headline decided to have a new cover made (it's not a given), not least because it allows us to highlight some of the amazing reviews we got for the hardback.
I'm also generally a paperback reader, and always have been. Before I became published (and made lots of author friends), I would buy maybe one or two hardbacks a year. I buy more now (to support my friends) but I still really prefer the size and feel of a paperback book in the hand. I will admit when I got the proof of the full paperback wrap (including the back cover copy and my own face) I did choke up a bit because, to me, that's the thing I think of as a book, out in the world, in a bigger way. I love B-format British paperbacks deeply and I can't wait to have one of my own.
Check out my links page for pre-order links for the paperback, available from all major retailers. It comes out on the 5th of June in the UK.